Exit Cafe

Exit Cafe

Exit Café gay friendly bar in 'apres ski' style and belonging to club NYX next to it.

The bar is on the ground floor and shares it door with the club, the entrance for the bar is the right side of the cue, you usually can just walk in, and entry is free.

The toilets are in the back on the left, where you also find the coat check.

They have daily happy hour at 1. The music is popular dance tunes, the bar gets very crowded when the other bars close. The crowd very mixed, including lots of women.

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Exit Cafe information

opening hours

opening hours

  • mon
    19:00 - 04:00
  • tue
    19:00 - 04:00
  • wed
    19:00 - 04:00
  • thu
    19:00 - 04:00
  • fri
    16:00 - 05:00
  • sat
    16:00 - 05:00
  • sun
    19:00 - 04:00
Opening hours are for guidance only.


Exit Cafe
Reguliersdwarsstraat 42
Amsterdam map
opening hours

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Updated: 29 Apr 2022

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