Funhouse gay dance party Amsterdam Fri 2 August 2024

Funhouse gay dance party Amsterdam
“Fun & vocal house party at Westergasfabriek”

FunHouse is a popular gay dance party at Westergasfabriek Amsterdam. The party is in a old industrial factory event hall. The venue has lockers.  Many guys leave their trousers there to wear sportswear shorts only. 

The organizers behind this party are the same as Rapid. At Funhouse the music is a little more vocal.

With the large editions the other venues of Westergas are used as well for the party. The biggest edition is during Amsterdam Gay Pride, with the enormous Gashouder, with a 5000+ capacity.

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Funhouse information

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event dates

  • Funhouse gay dance party Amsterdam
    Fri 2 Aug 2024
    22:00 - 05:00


Klönneplein 4-6, Westergasfabriek
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Updated: 9 Feb 2024

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